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About Us

Bishop Clowdell Williams, Sr.

Bishop Clowdell Williams Sr. is a gifted, anointed and powerful preacher of the gospel of Christ.  He is known throughout the Christian community as well as the business community as a man of unquestionable character, honesty and impeccable integrity.  Since giving his life completely to God and being filled with the Holy Spirit at the age of 17,

Bishop Williams has dedicated his life to the service of the Lord as a true minister, Pastor, mentor, teacher and now the chief servant of the Illinois Sixth Jurisdiction.​Bishop Williams has been gifted with wisdom and a strong work ethic; working in the building trades as an elevator constructor and builder for more than 40 years and as CEO and President of First Priority Elevator company which he established in 2003

His spiritual service began at the Tabernacle of God Church of God In Christ, under the leadership of his spiritual father, Bishop Ocie Booker and continues as Pastor and Founder of the New Greater Love Pentecostal Church of God In Christ- a vibrant, progressive growing church located in the heart of the Englewood community in Chicago for more than 40 years. 

Bishop Williams was consecrated as Auxiliary Bishop in the Church of God In Christ during the 2015 Holy convocation.  After serving the late Bishop William Haven Bonner for more than 30 years as a Superintendent and Administrative Assistant, Bishop Williams was elevated and appointed as the Jurisdictional Prelate of Illinois Sixth Jurisdiction in 2016.  A devoted husband to Missionary Mauline Williams, an exemplary father of 5 children and beloved pastor, Bishop Williams' highest honor is that of a true Saint of God.

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First Lady Missionary Mauline Williams

First Lady Mauline Williams was born in Jamaica West Indies. She has been married to Bishop Clowdell Williams Sr. for twenty-six years. She loves working with the ministry and gladly accepted her role as first lady of New Greater Love Church of God in Christ. She is the mother of one daughter, and the proud grandmother of one grandson and one granddaughter.


Lady Williams even though reserved is involved in the ministry at New Greater Love.  She is a First Lady who reaches out to all. Instead of being served, she enjoys serving everyone, truly operating in her “Gift of Helps”. Lady Williams accepted the Lord as savior at the early age of thirteen and enjoyed serving God’s people as a youth.  She holds a degree in elementary education and has over 20 years of experience educating young children.


Now the Lord has blessed her to provide executive and administrative direction for the day-to-day operation of her business. Lady Williams serves as her husband’s helpmate in the ministry and continues to produce excellence in all of her opportunities in the ministry.

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